Friday, March 5, 2010

Response To Jenny Molenda's Post

In Jenny’s blog post about LeBron James endorsing McDonalds, she brings up many points that are very informative. Recently LeBron James, a famous basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, appeared in a commercial for McDonalds. It is a takeoff of a commercial that stared Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. LeBron and Dwight Howard play a game of horse and who ever misses first has to watch the other one eat the meal from McDonalds, but it has a small trick in the end (I don’t want to ruin it for you). Jenny says that LeBron is a good spokesmen for this commercial because LeBron is a famous athlete and appeals to many people, including young adults and children which is one of the biggest targets for McDonalds.

She goes on to talk about how the commercial is not very appropriate because LeBron James is a athlete and McDonalds is known to not have the most healthy food. It is kind of ironic because LeBron has to keep his body in great shape, so eating McDonalds wouldn’t be the best idea for him.

I agree with her on pretty much all of these points. LeBron is a great player who appeals to many people across a wide range of demographics. I think that many people would see this commercial, think it is funny, and then go get a Big Mac because LeBron likes them. I also agree with her that it is not very appropriate to have him endorse McDonalds. It is giving a bad image to kids who are now going to think McDonalds can make you like LeBron or something like that. I have nothing against McDonalds, I even like going there once in a while, but for some people they won’t be able to see that it is bad for you.

*Picture from
**Video from YouTube

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